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Showing posts from March, 2022

The Curious Case of the Vitali Set ...

... or How I Learnt to Stop Worrying and Accept Mathematical Rigour. In Measure Theory, among other things, we try to generalize the concept of 'volume' (or 'area' or 'length' according as which one you prefer). In other words, like some sets come with an inherent 'measure' associated with them (for example, intervals in $\mathbb R$ comes with a length and "well behaved" shapes come with an area or volume depending on how many dimensions you count), we want to assign to any general subset a measure of its own. Since any general subset may not look as structured as the other sets that have their own volume, ideally we are free to randomly associate any number we want to to the set. But, as in all of mathematics, we want these numbers to satisfy certain properties. So, we will impose on these numbers a few properties that are very intuitive and geometric, but to our utter shock, are inconsistent. These properties are so much in tune with our ever